God Surya Family & 108 Name Of God Surya

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KingdOm of Surya - Surya Lok

In Hinduism, there is separate KingdOm for each God, These are called "Lok". For Surya dev (Sun god), his KingdOm is known as "Surya Lok".

Sun God God Surya related with Ramayan and Mahabharat

In Ramayana, God Surya is described as father of the Monkey King Sugriv. Sugriv helped Lord Rama and Lakshman beat the devil king Ravan. Lord Surya also trains Hanuman as his guru. The Suryavanshi dynasty of kings, Lord Rama being one of them, also claims descent from him.

In the Mahabharata, Princess Kunti receives order for a mantra from the sage Durvasa; by reciting which, she would be able to convene any god and accept a child by him. Unconvinced of the power of this mantra, Kunti innocently tests it on Lord Surya, but when Surya appears, she gets afraid and requests him to go back. However, God Surya has an responsibility to fulfil the mantra facing returning. The Sun God Surya magically causes Kunti to accept the child instantaneously even as retaining her virginity so that she, as an unmarried princess, need not face any humiliation or be subjected to questions from the general public. This chilled is Karna, Kunti feels compelled to abandon the child, Karna, who grows up to become one of the central characters in the great battle of Kurukshetra.

Family of Surya God:

Surya Dev is married to Sangnya Devi, the daughter of Lord Viswakarma the legendary architect. Vaivaswatha Manu was born to Surya. Sangnya Devi could not stand the celestial splendors of Surya and shut her eyes. Angered at this gesticulation, Surya cursed his wife that she would give birth to a child who would control life. Then Yama was born. Afterward when Sangnya Devi had cast a capricious look on Surya, she gave birth to a shifty, capricious girl child Yamuna. Afterward his wife flees in fear leaving her shadow behind. Thus Chaaya (the other name for Sangnya Devi) gave birth to Sani (Saturn), Saavarni and a daughter Tapi. Surya comes to know that Sangnya Devi is in hiding and he approaches in the form of a horse. There Aswini devataas (the physicians of paradise) as they are described, are born. Brahma makes an effort to reduce the splendour of Surya and through the light shed out, Vishnus chakra, Sivas shoola and the conches of Ashtavasuvus are made.

God Surya Legend

God Surya Temples

The 108 names of Lord Surya:

Om arunyaye namah
Om sharanyaye namah
Om karuna-rasa-sindhave namah
Om asmanabalaye namah
Om arta-raksa-kaye namah
Om adityaye namah
Om adi-bhutaye namah
Om akhila-gamavedine namah
Om acyutaye namah
Om akhilagnaye namah
Om anantaye namah
Om inaye namah
Om visva-rupaye na mah
Om ijyaye namah
Om indraye namah
Om bhanave Namah
Om indriramandiraptaye namah
Om vandaniyaye namah
Om ishaye namah
Om suprasannaye namah
Om sushilaye namah
Om suvarcase namah
Om vasupradaye namah
Om vasave namah
Om vasudevaye namah
Om ujjvalaye namah
Om ugra-rupaye namah
Om urdhvagaye namah
Om vivasvate namah
Om udhatkiranajalaye namah
Om hrishikesaye namah
Om urjasvalaye namah
Om viraye namah
Om nirjaraye namah
Om jayaye namah
Om urudvayavirnimuktanijasarakrashivandyaye namah
Om rugdhantre namah
Om kraksacakracaraye namah
Om krajusvabhavavittaye namah
Om nityastutyaye namah
Om krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah
Om kruksadhinathamitraye namah
Om pushakaraksaye namah
Om luptadantaye namah
Om shantaye namah
Om kantidaye namah Om dhanaye namah
Om kanatkanaka sushanaye namah
Om khalotaye namah
Om lunit-akhila-daityaye namah
Om satya-ananda-svarupine namah
Om apavarga-pradaye namah
Om arta-sharanyaye namah
Om ekakine namah
Om bhagavate namah
Om sushtisthityantakarine namah
Om gunatmane namah
Om dhrinibhrite namah
Om brihate namah
Om brahmane namah
Om esvaryadaye namah
Om sharvaye namah
Om haridashvaye namah
Om shauraye namah
Om dashadiksam-prakashaye namah
Om bhakta-vashyaye namah
Om ojaskaraye namah
Om jayine namah
Om jagad-ananda-hetave namah
Om taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varji aounnatyapadasamcararathasthaya-asuraraye namah
Om kamaniyakagaye namah
Om abjaballabhaye namah
Om antar-bahih prakashaye namah
Om acintyaye namah
Om atma-rupine namah
Om acyutaye namah
Om amareshaye namah
Om parasmai jyotishe namah
Om ahaskaraye namah
Om ravaye namah
Om haraye namah
Om param-atmane namah
Om tarunaye namah
Om tarenyaye namah
Om grahanam pataye namah
Om bhaskaraye namah
Om adimadhyantara-hitaye namah
Om saukhyapradaye namah
Om sakalajagatam pataye namah
Om suryaye namah
Om kavaye namah
Om narayanaye namah
Om pareshaye namah
Om tejorupaye namah
Om shrim hiranyagarbhaye namah
Om hrim sampatkaraye namah
Om aim istarthadaye namah
Om am suprasannaye namah
Om shrimate namah
Om shreyase namah
Om saukhyadayine namah
Om diptamurtaye namah
Om nikhilagamavedhyaya namah
Om nityanandaye namah
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The Sun God Surya

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Surya God

Hindus worship God Surya with the trust of Sun God. Surya is the God of Light( Sun). Surya’s followers consider the god surya to be God Brahma in the morning, God Vishnu during the day and Lord Shiva at night. The God Surya is portrayed sitting on a chariot with seven horses. God Surya is a Vedic God. Lord Surya is the caring sun god and one of the twelve Adityas who are guardians of the months of the year. The Sun God Surya in Hindu belief is depicted as having a body as shiny and radiant as pure gold. So many people called “Surya Narayan Dev”, “Bhasker” and “Ravi” to the Lord Surya.

Surya the Hindu God is pictured with svastika, as it is the sign of the sun. God Surya represents an independent direction of followers along with the ordinary shaiva, shakta, and vaishnava streams. Sun God Suryas followers are called Auram or Shaoram. Hindu God Suryae is the chief solar deity, one of the Adityas, the God Surya is the son of Kashyapa.

Surya Dev is conceivably the oldest between the pantheon of Hindu gods to be worshipped. The lord is prayed in the simplest way by folding one's hands in a namaskar at the time of sunrise. A simple chant of “Om Suryaye Namah” also pleases the lord. The followers of Surya Dev are found in most of the Hindu shrines. Even while bathing in the holy Ganges people first give salutations to the Surya Dev. There are so many temples of God Surya in India. The sun God Surya temple at Ranakpur is very old temple dating back to the fifteenth century. Another famous temple dedicated to Surya the Hindu God is found in Orissa and Konark.

God Sun Chariot

Hindu The Sun God Surya Family
108 Names Of God Surya

Famous The Sun God Temples In India

Konark Sun The Hindu God Temple Orissa
Modhera The Sun God Temple Gujarat
Sun God Surya Temple Raxaul
Arasavalli The Sun God Temple

Sun God Surya Temple Raxaul

Modhera The Sun God Temple Gujarat

Konark Sun The Hindu God Temple Orissa

Arasavalli The Sun God Temple Surat

Udaipur Lord Surya Temple

Modhera Sun Temple Gujarat

Arasavalli The Sun God Temple

The worship of God Surya

It is believed that God Surya has been worshipped since ages to get the kind blessings of God. A simple namaskaar (folding hands) and say “Om Suryay Namaha” to the lord makes him happy. Offering water to the God is too considered to accept the pity. The Sun God Surya is believed to be a giving deity able of curative sick people, in India. It is also proved in Science that sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin-D which is very Usefull for human.

Hindu God Surya - Gayatri mantra

Om Bhur Bhurvah Svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat

The Gayatri Mantra of the Hindu Religion is also connected with the Surya dev.

"Aadhitya Hrudhaya Punyam
Sarva Sathru Vinaasanam
Jayaavaham Jabe nithyam
Akshayam Paramam Shivam"

Aadhitya Hrudhaya is another mantra associated with God Surya, recited by the knowledgeable Agatsya to Lord Rama on the battleground before the fight with Ravana.

Symbol of Surya is also regarded as one of the favorable signs of the Hindu religion. So many people place the sign of the Sun over main doors; they think that it would bring them good luck.
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